Angels on High

Who amongst us doesn't have a special fondness for angels? The next windows to be completed at St. Catharine's were St. Gabriel and St. Michael up high, and to complete the windows viewable from the front of the church. This window is cut and placed on the pattern in preparation for leading (at left). You can see the numbered glass pieces, which correspond to the cut pattern pieces as well as the appropriate areas in the full-size cartoon. This process keeps hundreds of pieces of glass organized during the cutting and building procedure, the portion of the project that probably is the most time-consuming.

Here's Michael Greer on the scissor-lift installing one window.

These are the completed windows before installation:

Alas, it's occasionally the case that the installed windows are difficult to photograph due to lighting and height of placement, and though these add to the overall beauty of the church, they are not as readily apparent as the other stained glass windows.

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